Educational registration

To be admitted in the first year, the following conditions must be met:

  • Hold a master’s degree conferred by a French university. The average grade of the master – calculated from the averages of the 4 semesters – must be at least 12/20.
  • Have obtained the agreement of a thesis director (DT) authorized to direct research.
  • Exceptionally, the ED may admit candidates who have obtained the research master with an average of 2 years (M1 or equivalent + M2) between 11 and 11.99 on prior examination of the file by the ED pedagogical committee which gives an opinion on registration.
  • Applicants whose M2 equivalent degree is awarded by a foreign university, must apply for an exemption from the French MASTER. To save time, it is advisable to file the corresponding file as soon as possible. The request for exemption (in French / in English) is examined by the pedagogical committee of ED and must reach the secretariat of the doctoral school no later than the following dates:

24 November 2023, 26 February 2024, 07  May 2024, 21 June 2024, 01 September 2024 and 22 (tbc) November 2024

1st doctoral registration

Enrollment : from June to 31  October 2024

List of documents requested on the application with signature of the doctoral student, the thesis director and the director of the research unit for a 1st registration:

  • The request for 1st registration on Amethis
  • A research project based on a 2-3 page document the doctoral charter signed by the different parties
  • A certificate of audition (form in EN), conducted by two experts (at least one of whom is external to the thesis)
  • The doctoral charter (French doc. /English not available at present) signed by all parties, except ED 182
  • A financing certificate indicating the source of the financing, its net or gross monthly amount for three years. The amount must be at least the level of a doctoral contract from the University (2022 € gross monthly as of 1st January 2023). Holders of a doctoral contract awarded by the ED are exempt from providing this document.
  • A curriculum vitae describing in particular the university course of the candidate (all years from the final high school class with indication of results, mentions, sessions)
  • The certificate of achievement or the copy of the MASTER diploma
  • A copy of the master’s final transcripts (years Bac + 4 and Bac +5)

It is recalled that candidates who do not hold a French master’s degree or equivalent are subject to the derogatory registration application procedure.

2nd year

Period for electronic filing of files: from June to 30 September 2024

List of documents requested on the application:

  • The request for a 2nd registration on Amethis
  • Have followed the training via MOOC Integrity – MANDATORY training in the 1st year
  • Have followed the Code of Ethics training – registration via AMETHISMANDATORY training
  • Review of the past year based on progress (2-3 pages) including a list of scientific and professional courses taken during the year, participation in schools, publications published or in progress, etc.
  • A funding certificate
  • The individual training agreement (CIF) which is sent to you in the middle of the 1st year of the thesis

3rd year

For your third (and in principle last) registration, you must provide:

  • The request for a 3rd registration on Amethis
  • A funding certificate Progress report (3-5 pages) including a list of scientific and professional courses taken during the year, participation in schools, publications published or in progress, oral presentation of the thesis at mid-term. Particular attention will be paid to the progress of your thesis. Finally, you will be asked to outline your post-thesis project. It will be a question of specifying as far as possible if you wish to pursue a profession in research, basic or applied, or if you prefer to go in other directions. In these different cases, you will need to specify the strategy you intend to use to achieve this. For example, if you wish to enter the CNRS or the University, it is advisable to contact the corresponding laboratories and ask them for the profiles of the positions likely to be published in the next two years. It is then possible to choose a post-doc knowingly.
  • A provisional work schedule
  • A report from the thesis monitoring committee following link:
  • List of courses taken edited from Amethis A list of your publications

4th year and beyond

You must provide:

  • The request for 4th registration and beyond on Amethis
  • A funding certificate Detailed proof of the reason for the extension
  • A 10-page progress report
  • A list of your publications
  • List of courses taken edited from Amethis
  • A report from the thesis monitoring committee – if the defenses does not take place before 31 December.  Should the defense takes place before 31 December please refer to the underneath point.
  • A provisional defense schedule signed by you and your thesis supervisor

Thesis defenses between October 1st and December 31st

Doctoral students defending their thesis between 1st October and 31st December must re-register on Amethis, but will not have to pay registration fees and CVEC. The following documents must be provided:

  • The jury proposal (with the date of the defense) validated by the pedagogical commission and signed by the director of the ED
  • The defense certificate (= defense before 31st December) available here
  • The thesis summary
  • The list of publications
  • The last report of the monitoring committee
  • The financing certificate
  • List of courses taken edited from Amethis

Pay attention to administrative delays for your thesis defense.   In particular, doctoral students in cotutelle must take into account the sometimes complex administrative procedures of their two universities before defense. Therefore, it is advisable to anticipate at least 2 additional months compared to the normal delay.