Following the decision of the ED 182 Council, you will find below the procedure for the auditions that will take place from 04 to 06 June 2025 for the award of doctoral contracts:
– The auditions will take place face-to-face or by videoconference depending on the health situation (the colleagues presenting the subjects must ensure that their candidates have the necessary means to pass the video in good conditions).
– On the day of the audition, candidates must be in possession of a national identity card or passport.
– At the audition, the candidate will present his or her internship results and, if applicable, a bibliographical study on his or her subject. In both cases, he or she will have to position the subject in relation to the international state of the art and provide three key publications in the 2-page internship report (to be provided between 20 and 23 May – noon) so that the rapporteurs can possibly refer to it to prepare their questions.
– The oral presentation should be no longer than 10 minutes.
Following the decision of the ED 182 Council, you will find below the procedure for the auditions that will take place from 04 to 06 June 2025 for the award of doctoral contracts:
– The auditions will take place face-to-face or by videoconference depending on the health situation (the colleagues presenting the subjects must ensure that their candidates have the necessary means to pass the video in good conditions).
– On the day of the audition, candidates must be in possession of a national identity card or passport.
– At the audition, the candidate will present his or her internship results and, if applicable, a bibliographical study on his or her subject. In both cases, he or she will have to position the subject in relation to the international state of the art and provide three key publications in the 2-page internship report (to be provided between 20 and 23 May – noon) so that the rapporteurs can possibly refer to it to prepare their questions.
– The oral presentation should be no longer than 10 minutes.