Valuation of skills, NCT ®

Launch of the 2016 NCT® Skills Enhancement Program

Espace Avenir is pleased to announce the opening of the 2016 Valorisation of Competences program, a new chapter of the thesis®, NCT® 2016.

The objective of this program is to enable PhD students at the end of their career to prepare / anticipate their professional mobility by taking stock of:

their skills, the achievements of their doctoral experience and their career prospects.

They are accompanied and supervised in this work of reflection and assessment by mentors / consultants in human resources.

Espace Avenir is piloting this program in collaboration with the Doctoral College and overseeing its smooth running in connection with the ABG-Intelliagence.

Calendar 2016:

PhD students enrolled in the 3rd year (or more) and whose thesis defense is scheduled between June / July 2016 and December 2016 are eligible for the 2016 NCT® campaign.

All information for doctoral candidates: interests and description of the program, testimonials of doctoral candidates, application forms are accessible

on this link : heading “Valorization skills, NCT®.

The number of places is limited to 25 PhD students for all the Unistra EDs. It is recommended to register as soon as possible: end of registrations on December 7th.

Contact :

Hafida Lrhezzioui :

University of Strasbourg

orientation-training employment

New Patio – 20a René Descartes Street
67084 Strasbourg Cedex
Campus Center Esplanade